More than 30 days from the start of your child's camp session = 100% (minus $50 registration fee)
30 to 22 days from the start of your child's camp session = 50% (minus $50 registration fee)
21 days or less from the start of your child's camp session = No Refunds
Before Camp
Can my child come to camp, even if our family is not Presbyterian?
Yes, we are all God’s children and camp is a place for everyone. John Knox Center does not discriminate based on race, gender, color, gender expression, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation. EVERYONE has a place at CAMP. We welcome, affirm, and support young people and adults of all abilities and disabilities, experiences, races, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, citizenship or immigration status, religion and non-religion, and any other category people use to define themselves or others. We hire staff who fit within this community.
What can I do to ensure my child has a wonderful camp experience?
Most importantly, be positive! If you allow your child to have a good experience, he or she will have one. Anticipate camp with your child months before they attend. Discuss your child’s fears, excitement, and uncertainty. Build their confidence and self-esteem.
Do I need to pack money for my child?
Only if he or she is participating in an Adventure Camp. Campers on adventure trips will mostly be off-site, so they might want to have spending money. They will be responsible for their own money at all times; at no time will a John Knox Center staff member assume that responsibility. All food will be provided. For all other campers, there is nothing to buy. However, on the first and last day of the camping session, you will have the opportunity to purchase camp merchandise. Each camper will receive one camp T-shirt as part of the registration cost.
Can my child bring his or her cell phone or electronics?
No. We ask that all campers leave any device at home. If a camper decides to bring any form of device, the devices will be confiscated by staff, given to our Program Director for safe keeping, and returned at the end of their camping session if found. This is because we want your camper to experience being in the outdoors with their peers without the pull of the outside world. Also, we find that these items are often damaged or lost while at camp. If you feel the need to communicate with your child while at camp, you can use our email service.
Looks like the session full – should I get on the waitlist?
YES! Sometimes things come up and campers have to cancel out of spaces and sometimes with changes in staff availability or other factors, we’re able to add a whole new group of campers all at once. We encourage families to add their camper to the waitlist for each session of camp they’re interested in. As a spot becomes available, families on the waitlist will receive an email notifying them and giving them 48 hours to register. After that window of time passes, the next family on the waitlist will receive a notification.
At Camp
Will my child be able to email or call home?
No. Part of the learning experience of camp is gaining independence from parents while learning to interact with peers and adults on their own. We find that talking with you will only make homesickness worse for your child. You may send bunk notes and mail to your child. Make sure to keep your messages positive and upbeat. Your child can always send you letters as well; remember to send them to camp with stamps and envelopes.
Do campers have Bible study every day?
Yes. A Christ-centered program is at the heart of all we do. Each day, campers participate in an interactive Bible study lesson and nightly worship service led by a John Knox Center Staff member or a visiting chaplain.
What will my child be doing during the day?
Several different activities. There is a large selection of activities including, but not limited to, high ropes challenges, daily Bible study, team building challenge course, archery, swimming, arts and crafts, water skiing, canoeing, and kayaking. Your child will have plenty to do at camp!
Will my child be supervised at all times?
Yes. At no time is a child unsupervised by an adult. Campers are never without at least one staff member. The John Knox Center is accredited by the American Camping Association whose strict standards ensure your child’s safety while at camp.
How does John Knox hire the staff who will be supervising my child?
Very carefully. Many of our staff are former campers who have a love for children and the ministry of Camp John Knox. We recruit from churches, camping ministry websites, and universities. All of our staff members must submit to a background investigation and complete a lengthy interview process before being considered for a position on the John Knox Center Summer Staff. All hired staff members participate in an intensive training to get them prepared for a summer with campers.
Why might I receive a call or my child be sent home while at camp?
Notification of Illness or Injury: You will be notified immediately if your child has a fever of 100.4 or higher, vomits more than once, has any illness or injury which would necessitate a visit to a physician, urgent care or hospital. In the event outside medical care is deemed necessary, JKC Staff immediately will contact the guardian(s) first then the emergency contact if necessary listed on the registration to develop a plan for care. In the event of a life threatening situation 911 will be called as well as the guardian(s) immediately.
Behavior: We work alongside parents to ensure that campers are in sessions appropriate to their age and maturity level and we learn as much about campers from parents as possible so we can help make their experience a positive one. However, there are times where a child just isn't ready to function independently in a group of their peers. Campers of any age must be able to follow basic directions with guidance from our staff. For example: staying with the group, wearing safety equipment when necessary (PFD, helmet, harness), using appropriate language, and not causing harm to others or themselves. Campers will be immediately sent home when they become a safety threat to themselves or others without refund. (See printable guidelines HERE)
After Camp
Can my child write letters to staff members after he or she has returned home?
Yes. Your child can send mail to our staff at the same address you sent your child mail during his or her session. However, we have a social media policy that prohibits staff from friending, following, etc campers on social media while they are a John Knox Center employee.
Can my child come to camp again in the same summer?
Absolutely. We welcome campers to return all summer long. Just register through our online portal as you did the first session.
What can I expect my child to gain from coming to Summer Camp?
At the end of a camper's time at Camp John Knox each camper, no matter what their age, should be able to demonstrate:
Spiritual Growth through their ability to discuss the Bible study theme and lessons, sing camp songs, know that Vespers is worship at camp, and sing meal blessings.
Trust Relationships through their interaction with other campers and staff, voluntary disclosure of personal information, and desire to share their camp experience.
Acceptance through respectful communications with campers and staff, welcoming new people and experiences, and interacting with everyone in their group.
Flora and Fauna- A deep appreciation of creation, respect for the world around them, and desire to take care of it.
Fun- By sharing the stories of their camp experience with parents and friends, expressing a desire to do the activities, songs, skits, etc. learned at camp in the future and show enthusiasm when talking about their experience.